Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Holy Flying Statistics of Updates

100% of the updates for this blog were announced on this blog.

Jokes aside, I have decided to expand Nighttrail beyond music emphasis and into art in general. Naturally many of these articles will end up being about music or games in some respect but I'm not going to limit the blog to simply that. Condensations will be made to make this blog still remain cohesive and also varied in topics.

At the same time, I will soon be establishing an "intellectual" blog; I'll put a link up in this post when I start it. I haven't started it yet since I do not know what its focus will be.

- I am writing some game-related posts I will put up
- I am also writing a post about visual art
- Song picks will be once a week and will feature 5-8 songs
- Ecetera, Ecetera, The topics will sort themselves out somehow and make for a cohesive blog.

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