Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Closed Passage Summary

I plan to be writing a story for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). To accomplish this task, I have prepared the following summary.        

    Closed Passage is a horror-themed story – in that it is developed with some horror tropes and an atmosphere generally befitting one – set in more or less modern times. The story does not however take place in a modern location; it takes place in a Victorian mansion that has been partially renovated. The phrase “Closed Passage” refers to Fate in a sense but I truly mean being trapped in an “impossible” circumstance. At this point the generic horror character would have given up himself to death; on this cliché Closed Passage is partially based. Here the character uses his problem solving and critical thinking skills to survive, much like the detectives Hercule Poirot and Auguste C. Dupin. As a result this story has a strong mystery aspect to it. I would list influences but only an illiterate fool has literary influences.

            As of this point I am not sure how long exactly the story will be. I plan to avoid the outlining process and truly dive in headfirst, unlike a certain friend.

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