Sunday, June 21, 2015

Fluffy Brown Hair

I wanted to mention that I've been trying to write poems, especially ones that focus on description. Many of these may be misses but I am okay with that, as long as these freewrites lead to growth.  This poem and previous one (for clearly they have related titles) may seem like they have a very particular purpose, but that is misleading - I simply wanted to try my hand at these topics. I hope to try and expand my blog writing styles to slow the tides of redundancy. 

Brown hair –
Strands distant from each other
As if seeking to reduce density,
Creating fluffiness.

Grey-blue eyes
that are penetrating
And generous in wisdom.

Pale white skin
Meshing with her hair and eyes,
Creating an ensemble of features that fit together neatly,
Thus completing her image.

Her face is typically adorned
 By either a curious gaze or a friendly smile.

Capable of great determination,
She could be an armor-clad knight or an adventurer,
Like in a video game.

Consider as playing the role of a magical girl:
She is transformed,
Brunette hair floating in nonexistent wind.

She is a hero
Poised to destroy villains,
No matter what dark magic or thermodynamics they may use.

//                                                                                                 \\
A person of average height
But infinite stature,
She is welcoming
Of both people and ideas.

Upon first encounter,
I saw her as somehow scholarly,
beyond simply her physical appearance.

She took upon the role of game master,
heading the murder mystery game,
showering her detective aspirations.

Immersion in that enigmatic atmosphere
led smoothly to the hunt for clues of the murderer
but, feeling tired,
I had to rest.

I let her know,
And felt relieved that my fatigue would not somehow count against me -
so I sat near my apparent savior,
feeling protected from the specter of my weakness.

She is that being transformed into a knight or magical girl,
capable of using weaponry and magic to save the world,
all before returning to a normal state.

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