Friday, July 31, 2015

Contemplation of a Song and the Blog's Progress

"The Dalai Lama of the mic" is among the most curious statements made in "The Next Movement" by the Roots, asserting a rap spirituality. However, one must wonder how can rap (okay, hip hop) music be spiritual? Well, this is not necessary faith as a religion, but faith in the working of the world and aspiring to push it back into the right direction. The Dalai Lama as a figure - at least the current one - emphasizes creating balance and moving beyond anger and sadness towards enlightenment, which would indicate something of a peaceful revolt against the status quo. "The Next Movement" is appropriately a busy song, purveying sonic fullness with a barrage of lyrics- the current state of affairs is thus something to move on from. At the same time, the song provides a self-disruption where holes are created within the structure, creating a slightly disorienting feeling. However, the vocals urgently rally the listener in favor of this next movement, co-opting the disruption into a powerful force. Electric piano, percussion, and choral singing complement this effort. "The Next Movement" undoes the status quo without causing the entire structure to unravel.

Updates, updates, updates....w.r.t an update to the update...

To be honest, I had meant to post more often in July but I think that some of the new posts I had intended will require more effort. I hope to work on the No Longer Human post with a friend and provide some other posts in August. Preventing this blog from becoming stagnant has become a goal yet perhaps I grasp onto it too tightly getting anxious, trying to create too many posts when fact of matter I should limit myself pursuing simpler approaches to enhancing the blog run on sentence much? Soon, an Electr-O-Pura review, and soon notes finally taken on the album, and soon a review.

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