Saturday, May 7, 2016

What Cool Breezes Do

Greedy splotches of blood red and neon green
crowd the persistent sky above
in disregard of the purple leaves, detached from the local pine trees,
billowing past --
leaves swerving in figure eights,
following the maniacal wind,
content with punishing all passerby with frigidity.

If a country's GDP depended on the weather,
then forget about it.

Fortunately, Mars is unique,
a place for humanity to forsake capitalism
while pursuing colonialism.

It is the best of places,
and it is the worst of places.


This poem was not written to describe anything in particular -- it is just some quirky thing I half-wrote in ten minutes as a writing exercise. Bonus points if you get what the title refers to. I just wanted to get in a creative work that is not related to my story, and is not related to anime. Some variety can do me some good, right?

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