Thursday, August 6, 2015

Blut Aus Nord Is A Band

From France. I have been listening to Blut Aus Nord off and on. I tried out The Work Which Transforms God, Ultima Thulee, and some other albums, especially the 777 series. The latter series was quite good but the previous two felt a bit too same-y. For example, many of the Ultima Thulee songs had a hint of shoegaze in that they blended together with reverb but one lost track of the vocals, guitar, and percussion - it ended up being murky black metal that was essentially shoegaze without a true structure. However, The Work Which Transforms God felt as if the album as standard black metal with some synths and electronics thrown in simply to make it "different." However, perhaps I judged too harshly. I felt that the 777 series could churn out heavy pieces, combing atmospherics and electronics, that are powerful - in that sense they brought all of their sounds together. I also rather enjoyed MoRT, which presented an interesting alternative to black metal. Blut Aus Nord has ended up being a mixed bag where they will either make the music too bland or they end up creating a potent mixture. Perhaps that is what we can call experimental, but I think that I need to invest more time into this band. If I enjoy some parts, perhaps I will enjoy the other parts. It's hard to simply admit that one is wrong though - yet...I feel that it is right to give a band the full experience not just cherry-pick my music experiences and listening. Perhaps I also need to listen to similar bands to get a better grasp on what it is that this band is trying to do.

In the end, this is another post about my attempts to improve, and maybe I will do so.

By the way, expect two posts regarding my LIST soon and also perhaps a poem about someone....................there is drafted posts prepared. Hopefully I can get even farther tomorrow

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