Sunday, August 9, 2015

Short Story

Marie L’Oye[1]
I walked towards the gap in the grove surrounding me. Suddenly, brilliant light – I exited the trees to find a cliff overlooking a massive gorge. Walking forward, I noticed a girl. Auburn hair, towards the thoracic vertebra. I stopped and, once I realized, I turned away. For, though her lower half was adequately covered, she only had a hot pink brassiere with black designs for her upper half. However, being embarrassed, I tried to stop thinking about it – I didn’t want to ogle her, after all.  This girl had been changing for some reason. I blinked a few times. The girl – who had wide, blue eyes but not quite the color of the ocean – now wore a black full-sleeved shirt and a – what the heck – red cape. Wait….I could tell those details because she had walked up to me and stood only a few centimeters form me. Loosely holding a sword in her right hand. She asked “Who are you?” in a calm and slightly airy voice but my fear was not allayed. Running into the forest would work….but then my back would be completely exposed.

The girl spoke in the same tone, “I am…a mage traversing these wooden lands in search of something potent.  Call me L’Oye[2]. Comment t’appelles tu?[3]

I said, “Uh….I only know English….not that other language you spoke. Like, French or something. I am named Andrew.” Then I added, “Why aren’t you holding me hostage? Especially after….”

L’Oye interjected, “You committed no offences. I…have been examining you during this conversation. Analysis suggests 95% harmlessness – especially since you only have latent powers and no weapons at all – and 70% trustworthiness. Us traveling together for the time being appears to improve outcomes for both parties. It is in your interest to cooperate. This is all of the explanation I can currently provide.”

She spoke with a hint of an understanding tone beneath the jargon. I had no reason to object, so I joined with her. Hope….that kept me going forward after being separated from everyone I knew.  That sword of her’s either offered me protection or destruction. Protection I wouldn’t need if I hadn’t had to leave my village. I barely understood that day, now soaked with the fog of the past, because I had only seen one ceremony accidentally, without cause. Hardly the largest problem. But I was deemed cursed and had to escape the village of my birth to keep my life. After days of stumbling around, I had found the forest. …And escaped the mystery of my village. This place is too damn large, solemn for me to pay more attention to my past. Heading back to the forest was the only option as the cliff offered no safe route for descent.

L’Oye said quietly, “I am glad that I can make this trek with a companion…” I did not hear her but she wore a slight smile, barely separate  from her resting expression .At the very least, together we found a clump of branches held aloft by shrubbery – under this blanket, we lied down. She crouched and slowly unfolded, whereas I lied down normally (quickly). Within two minutes, her eyes closed shut and she was asleep. I struggled for 30 minutes before I lost consciousness from my exhaustion. Somehow I felt restored when I woke up but L’Oye seemed to not even need it. Her fingers ran through her hair methodically, picking out minute twigs and clumps of dirt. She crawled out of the makeshift shelter and I followed. As we walked, my initial distrust had dissipated slightly.

Perhaps she was hiding something from me – that fear still grasped me. Soon we were barraged again with light as the trees thinned. L’Oye grabbed two white-headed mushrooms and offered me one. I inquired nervously, “Is this edible?” She nodded and ate her share to prove to me that they were. She did not collapse and convulse – always a good sign – so I hate my mushroom. It was a bland snack but I need nutrition as I began to feel faint of head. And we continued. Like this for the next two days or so. Same food, though some (nontoxic) berries had added variety. However, it rained last night, so both of us woke up soaked. L’Oye led us out of the forest and said “Now call me Lumiere[4]” with a grin. It struck me that she was making a joke, even though I did not now French.

I said, “So…now I realize that L’Oye is probably not your name. I thought as much.”

She paused and answered shyly, “My name is Marie…I am part French. I wanted to ensure your trustworthiness before disclosing my true name. It has improved.”

I responded with “Well then, Marie. Glad to meet you. Let’s find our way.”

This new area opened to us – and no, I had not come to the forest this way – was an expanse of green, with sparse shrubbery. Marie had led us through the forest towards the northeast, leading us to this field. We slept under the sky, unprotected. I woke up to a sudden sound – explosions in the near vicinity. Violet flames danced across the night sky – emanated from Marie. Across from us was a figure cloaked win black, barely visible under the moonlight. He returned Marie’s violet flames with brilliant blue ones, raising a circular wall around Marie and I. Marie ordered, “I will raise the wall…and then you will run!” A serious expression stretched across her face, so I could not disobey. I had never seen her like this, even though she still remained as calm as ever. Embers were dissipated and I ran back several meters but still within sight of Marie. She had unsheathed her sword and used it to direct a fire blast – the foe stumbled over after being struck but disappeared. This foe had teleported.

My head was swimming with images of purple and blue flames. Walking back, the world became a blurring of these two colors. Once at Marie’s position, I held my eyes shut momentarily, only opening them again when I started talking a few minutes later.

“I th-thought we were safe! Who would attack us? Why!?” I inquired.
Marie responded, “I was identified as an unaffiliated mage…that alone is an offence to the many mages who belong to one of the main groups. He is likely reporting on us. But be at ease – few of those beings prowl these areas, an d they are quite weak.”

By this point, I could hear the concern in her voice. As we walked, we continued to talk.

I asked, “Do you consider yourself an open person?”
Marie replied, “I cannot characterize that….Perhaps I am not.”
I said, “That makes you open, doesn’t it?”
Marie said, “I need more information…..I’m not sure……”

The conversation, like the bulk of our few discussions, trailed off awkwardly. Marie was not exactly who I thought but she had certainly earned my trust. That’s not to say I truly know her. For now, this will have to suffice. Days rolled into weeks, as we entered our first month as companions, and we graduated from the field.

From there, we arrived at a river. Taking turns washing clothes, we made sure to give each other sufficient privacy. Though the ordeal was itself embarrassing, nothing in particular happened. As the embarrassment faded from my mind and cheeks, I felt a peculiar sensation throughout my body. A tingling throughout my upper spine.

So I asked, “A while ago you mentioned my having a latent power of some kind….what is that?”
Marie replied, “It is a power sleeping within you. My fire magic…is not latent because I can use it consciously. But I am not sure what your’s is.”
And I described, “Just now – a tingle down my spine. Is that how it feels to gain a power?
Marie thought for a second and then, “Perhaps. It may be your unique way.”

Another awkward conversation. I was not a good companion – clearly if we could barely talk and I could not even help her out – nor would I ever become a mage, I figured. To become one would free me from my curse. Honestly, I do not know if the curse exists or if anything would happen, but being a mage would at least keep me alive here. Here where I have protected. Feeling insecure, I aimed for consolation in some manner. I reached forward and hugged Marie. Her arms hung by her side, and she seemed mildly shocked. I saw that subtle smile, though. Though she reacted oddly, she was not frigid or disingenuous.

[1] A pun (sort-of) on Ma Mere L’Oye, the piece by Maurice Ravel.
[2] The goose in French
[3] What is your name?
[4] “Light” in French.

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