Thursday, August 23, 2012

Lackadaisy: A Teaser

[My friend Thirdkoopa is working on a vocal dub for the webcomic Lackadaisy, which features talking cats in 1920s Missouri. He asked me to compose music for this dub.]

When reading Lackadaisy – but who gets acquainted with the comic one has to compose music for – I realized that my compositional plans were far too simple to cover the wide variety of events that happen. The webcomic supports much more than the 4 themes I had originally planned on; I could perhaps write 20 different themes given a suitable amount of time. My plan for an emphasis on mysterious classical-jazz fusion itself now seems too silly to work with. I wish to make an eclectic score – one that is varied and mixes styles – and introduce more diversity. The norm will be upheld but I will present many more exceptions than originally planned. At the same time I will research jazz, swing, and other styles popular in the ‘20s to create an informed approach. Alright, the score will not be entirely eclectic but expect a soundtrack capable of enhancing the Lackadaisy experience. I hope to also make us of silence and other minimalist techniques to better fit the webcomic’s dub.

Expect the title/close theme pretty soon.

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