Sunday, August 12, 2012

Way Through Woven Branches

"Duke" from Tales of Vesperia is a harp-and-flute-dominated leitmotif rich with timbres; a synthesizer plays with pauses, creating a beat. The music comes together well.

"Way Through Woven Branches" by Isis retains metal elements yet at the same time it creates a memorable sound by utilizing guitars tuned high (at least relative to most metal bands). The song might seem like an unsteady mix, but the two halves work together (think the yin and yang of Taoism).

"Concubine" by Converge is a steady stream of complaints and the negative energy is reinforced by a blistering, fast sonic attack that features aggressive vocals that fade into the mania of the song. Its sound is hardly accessible but it has a charm to it because of its abrasiveness.

"No Snow on the Mountain" by Nada Surf is essentially an indie rock song with atmospheric elements, but where the song stands out is its playfulness and personality, cemented by the soft vocals and interesting lyrics. The pop sensibility helps as well.

"Butterflies on Luci's Way" by *Shels sets rock amidst a psychedelic surrealism that creates a sensation of weirdness but at the same time the music is solid and varied enough to support the song and prevent it from becoming ultimately forgettable.

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