Sunday, January 4, 2015

Anime Pedagogy, and Why I'll Never Seriously Attempt A Travel Blog

I wanted to give a shout out to my friend's blog post for today about Mushoku Tensei and the love of education. I've been increasingly getting interested in using anime to look at education, so I liked this post. I think this aspect of anime and related mediums - the abundance of messages that can be analyzed - points to their growing maturity as art. If I wanted to disprove notions that anime is just for children, I would probably point to this fact.

I ate at this high class restaurant a few days ago. Though the food was mainly Asian, the clientele was mainly white (again, "high class"). My favorite dish was Yakitori chicken. Now, this dish tends to be served with teriyaki sauce, or at least it did when I ate it in Japan. I had the option of ordering the chicken with terikyaki sauce or this sauce with yuzu, chili, and cilantro. (Yuzu is a Japanese fruit that's in the citrus family.)

By this point I was a little sick of teriyaki sauce so I decided to order the chicken served in the other sauce. Such a mixture seems odd at first. But when I ate the chicken, I greatly enjoyed the blend of spiciness with a slight citrus-y taste. Somehow that variation made the dish more appetizing by complementing and reducing the hotness of the dish. I ended up ordering the dish again during the same meal because it was absolutely delectable.

I hope the reason I haven't done a food blog is now obvious. Me and detail don't work together. I'm in despair! The world has left me in despair!

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