Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Letter to a Dear Friend

Dear Justin A.M.,

I would like to advance my sincere apologies for the last few days featuring such a high density of copout posts. It is as if I have stopped working and to be honest I have become quite lazy with this grand adventure called blog due to the grand adventure called life. That paper due on Monday morning coupled with a take home test due Monday morning too managed to sap my vitality and force me to drastically reduce my writing output. I have such excellent ideas still dwelling in my head, though I seem to have lost everything – though I  seem to have lost my progress and way, revealing the eventual decline of the blog. For true analysis requires attention and devotion, not simply trying to scribble nonsense inbetween classes and coursework. So many minor tasks infringe upon my attention-giving capacity, resulting in everyday become a struggle for the completion of a post. Gone are the days that I have writings planned in advance, nor can I simply freestyle for an entire essay and create something halfway decent. I know that I should employ your strategies to coping with minimal time and simply reduce writing quality, up the “rabble rabble rabble,” or pour more energy into the activity. What happened to my spreadsheet? What happened to all of those extensive efforts at planning? No matter how much I try to organize, the problem seems to stem from something more sinister and internal – some failure to self-improve that festers in my work and everything that I do, as if I should simply quit. Right next to me at this current moment is sheets of engineering paper that are awaiting me to write my name, BIOE462HW1, and the due date (2/06/2015) and no more. I should leap for something less trivial – something that requires my attention: yes, writing. But maybe I shouldn’t apologize to you. Maybe you haven’t offered encouragement or simply fall into the same boat! Yet something makes me feel bad about not waxing true DFW to you and reveling in my insight as a content creator and a blogger. Maybe we should apologize to each other for not holding one another responsible – both of us simply do minor tasks to get away from what is truly important. Writing my name on every sheet can be done in class but rather I seem to be content with doing it instead of writing for my blog! How treasonous! I should be declared guilty by a jury of my peers and hung by black cord of writing justice as to be made an example for all. There is no excuse. None, whatsoever. No excuse for not writing every day and giving everything 150% of my all. But dear Justin, what shall we do? How can we rectify this unfortunate situation? Are we both in dire – the direst, most urgent – need of brainstorming with a strong dose of motivation? I don’t drink, so your suggestion that we hit the bottle is most unwanted! Should we both just incorporate elements of our school life into our writing and kill two bunnies with one shotgun? Answer me! I demand an answer. Though, since I started with such a polite beginning, I shall tack on “please,” creating “Answer me, please!” That does sound a bit impolite still…Maybe I should reverse the usual roles and ask you to proofread me? How does that sound? You don’t want to? Did I give you a choice? Oh, I suppose I did. What is our contingency plan to drastically reduce the number of copout posts? The Earth will surely suffer as a whole if we do not improve this situation, else eternal destruction for all (work) environments shall result. What do we do!?

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