Friday, February 6, 2015

The Plan

Hello everyone. Midnight is in a few moments and I haven't posted anything. Is this just my copout post? It can be if you want it to be. But I want everyone to know that I am planning to post a new blog every 1-3 days. Shorter blogs should take a day but longer blogs, such as the one I am working on, will possibly take 2 or 3 days. I would like to continue working on this resolution to write every day but I wanted to adjust to something more realistic. Having more time to work on longer pieces will allow me to spend more time clarifying my thoughts and improving the overall quality. That does mean that the Lucia post will be quite long and philosophical, but bear with me. I believe that this change will allow me to further grow as a writer.

I wanted to say that the Lucia post is finally up and, while it did take 3 days, the final product is among the longest blogs I have written (~6.2 pages including pictures). I intend to post blogs that are 1 page or less in one day but ones that are 2 pages or more may take 2-3 days. Blog posts will likely be spread out from here on out.

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